Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015


My parents divorced when I was in college...

(I know that isn't probably the best way to start a blog post, but you will understand if you read on...)

At 19, it was hard for me to understand why my parents split up, and even harder to understand how in just a few short years, both my mom and dad remarried...

But as the years went on and I got married myself, I realized that sometimes, things just don't work out the way you planned and that sometimes, you have to move in different directions. 

With that said, I have to tell you how VERY BLESSED I am to have the most AMAZING "two sets of parents"!

I know it sounds strange, but my mom and step-dad and dad and step-mom all get along so well that family gatherings usually include them both! 

I know not every family situation is like mine and I give thanks every day for my "mixed" family!

With that said...let me get to the point of this post...

Craig and I have known Edward for a long trips, birthday parties, cookouts...our kids "grew up" together during all these events...

Like my own situation though, I realized that sometimes things just don't work out and you have to move in different directions...

The day I met Jennifer, I could see IMMEDIATELY how happy she and Edward were together, and was absolutely THRILLED when they asked me to shoot their wedding!

It was the most amazing day...

Jennifer and Edward were surrounded by their closest friends and family... 

The mood was calm and relaxed...

The weather was perfect...

But what made it MOST amazing, were the sweet "welcoming" faces on Edward's two kids as everyone "bustled" around preparing for the ceremony...

Like I said 19, I had a hard time understanding what was going on with my family...but it brought tears to my eyes to see these 8 and 9 year old children standing up for their dad and their new step-mom during the ceremony that made them a new "mixed" family (just like mine...)

At the end of the service, Jennifer's brother (who performed the ceremony) said "you may now kiss your bride"...

And after their brief kiss, Jennifer and Edward reached for those two sweet, amazing kids with smiles on their faces and shared an embrace that would be the start of their new family adventures together.

(hence my Favorite Wedding Moment..."The Family Embrace")

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