Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015


Blog saya

Blog yang Saya Ikuti

Tentang saya

Jenis Kelamin Wanita
Industri Pendidikan
Jabatan Admissions Counselor
Lokasi Myrtle Beach, SC, Amerika Serikat
Perkenalkan Diri Anda Hey! I'm Tasha and this blog was created to track my personal fitness progress. I'm currently 25 years old, about 5'2, and weigh a whopping 140 pounds! EEK! My goal weight is 125 (which I hope to obtain by the end of the year) and I plan to run my first 5K in October. I started running and eating better on Jaunary 30, 2012. Please join me in this endeavor and feel free to offer suggestions along the way!

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