Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015


9月5日,出席了OMY举办的新加坡部落格大奖颁奖典礼。哈哈, 什么都没赢啦。其实
这已在预料之内。 再什么说日本动漫这主题在本地并不是很主流。普通大众可能不
比同样和我有相同兴趣的人懂得我所blog东西。啊呀, 有入围就很开心了。当初报

现在回想起来还真漫长, 从5月报名到颁奖已经四个月了。如果能缩短到二至三个

哦对了,我搬家了。有空来我的新家坐坐。 ^^;

9/5, attended the sgblog awards ceremony organized by OMY. Didn't win anything, haha. This is kinda expected as otaku/anime blogs aren't really that mainstream in Singapore. General public might not understand what I'm blogging about as compared to people with similar interests. Nevertheless, I'm happy to be nominated. Afterall i signed up for fun and never expected to make it into the top 10 of my category.

Thinking back now, 4 months has passed since the registration in May to the prize presentation in September. I felt that it will be better if it were to be reduced to 2 to 3 months. Lastly, i'll like to thank OMY for taking interest in my blog. Will try again next year if there's an opportunity.

btw, I have moved. Do drop by my new blog. ^^;

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