Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

me amos

Well, its that time of year again.  Apple Cinnamon candle smell fills the house.  Christmas music is already play on the radio.  Rehearsals are in full swing for the Christmas Spectacular.  AJ is getting very excited about being done with school and heading to Texas to see his Dad.  Thanksgiving is next week, and all anyone seems to be thinking about is pies and turkey and such. 

Really, I love those holidays.  I love thinking about the birth of Christ as it is a reminder of fulfilled promises.  However, what I'm really thinking about is the NEW YEAR!  I cannot believe 2013 is almost behind us.  Honestly, I'm quite ready to put 2013 in the books.  As I think about the past year, I am humbled and amazed at God's grace and mercy to me and my family.  The trials and tribulations have been intense and almost unbearable at times.  However, as we end this year, all I can see is VICTORY on every corner!  Not victory in that things are perfect, but victory in that all of satan's evil schemes and plans have not prevailed.  God's plan is perfect and becoming even clearer day by day.  Honestly, I cannot even begin to describe what has been accomplished given the opposition we have faced this past year.  God is good all the time!

It is a difficult time for so many people.  This time of year brings regret, depression, frustration, sadness, loneliness, and just plan blahs.  Most of the time, I cannot wait to get it over with and get back to work.  However, I encourage you to look back over the last year, not to imagine all the great things that were accomplished or regret over wasted time.  Instead, think about all the amazing things God has done to protect, provide and restore.  Even in the midst of battle or trying times, we are still standing!  Our breath each morning signals the fact that God is not finished with us yet.  When we begin this season, remember the Lord your God and all He has done for you.  His purpose is yet being fulfilled all around us.  Join Him in His work and find His plan for your life.

Most people try to pick a word for their new year.  It took a long time for me to find my word for 2013 which was "reliance."  However, I've already decided on my word for 2014....


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