Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015






verrve studio

to young







me amos

Well, its that time of year again.  Apple Cinnamon candle smell fills the house.  Christmas music is already play on the radio.  Rehearsals are in full swing for the Christmas Spectacular.  AJ is getting very excited about being done with school and heading to Texas to see his Dad.  Thanksgiving is next week, and all anyone seems to be thinking about is pies and turkey and such. 

Really, I love those holidays.  I love thinking about the birth of Christ as it is a reminder of fulfilled promises.  However, what I'm really thinking about is the NEW YEAR!  I cannot believe 2013 is almost behind us.  Honestly, I'm quite ready to put 2013 in the books.  As I think about the past year, I am humbled and amazed at God's grace and mercy to me and my family.  The trials and tribulations have been intense and almost unbearable at times.  However, as we end this year, all I can see is VICTORY on every corner!  Not victory in that things are perfect, but victory in that all of satan's evil schemes and plans have not prevailed.  God's plan is perfect and becoming even clearer day by day.  Honestly, I cannot even begin to describe what has been accomplished given the opposition we have faced this past year.  God is good all the time!

It is a difficult time for so many people.  This time of year brings regret, depression, frustration, sadness, loneliness, and just plan blahs.  Most of the time, I cannot wait to get it over with and get back to work.  However, I encourage you to look back over the last year, not to imagine all the great things that were accomplished or regret over wasted time.  Instead, think about all the amazing things God has done to protect, provide and restore.  Even in the midst of battle or trying times, we are still standing!  Our breath each morning signals the fact that God is not finished with us yet.  When we begin this season, remember the Lord your God and all He has done for you.  His purpose is yet being fulfilled all around us.  Join Him in His work and find His plan for your life.

Most people try to pick a word for their new year.  It took a long time for me to find my word for 2013 which was "reliance."  However, I've already decided on my word for 2014....


like father




Most of us struggle with different fears, worries and doubts.  We find things on daily basis to which we fixate our attention and obsess about what might come and the effect that may  have on our comfortable lives.  We know God tells us not to worry, not to be afraid, and we tuck that information into the back of our minds.  What we fail to realize is that information alone will not change our attitudes or change our emotional spiral into depression that comes from the constant fear of the unknown.  God wants us to live out His words.  Our mind must be transformed to think like Christ to even begin to overcome worry and fear.

For me personally, I struggle with fear of failure.  I become crippled at every major decision that our family faces because I am so concerned I may make the wrong decision and make a problem even bigger.  I have even struggled with it to the point that even small decisions become problematic because of the fear that I may mess up.   God certainly refines us through experiences.  Becoming an attorney has definitely been God's humorous way of teaching me to get over myself.  I am certainly in a profession where the unknown is prevalent on a daily basis.  Not only is the future unknown for me, but now I am faced with the unknown for my clients!  God knows me better than anyone ever could, and He has placed me where I am now in direct face-to-face combat with my sin nature.

What I found myself doing was attempting to control outcomes.  My fearing the worst, I began to miss out on God's best.  I began to identify myself not as God's child, but as a slave to the world.  I totally began to miss the character of God in my life.  Fear of messing up or failing keeps us from obeying God's will for our lives.  At the end of the day, fear of messing up is the product of one simple sin - PRIDE.  When we worry about what others may think, feel or believe about us, we will tend to make decisions based in pride rather than in God's obedience.  When we fail to trust in God's Word and His plan for our lives, pride tends to tell us that we know better than He does and that we have better control over our lives than He ever could. 

Understanding God's perfect grace and mercy is something I have failed to apply to my life, especially in the face of my fear.  While I am perfectly knowledgeable of God's Word and what God says about his mercy and grace, I somehow do not think that will apply to me in the face of my decision-making.  God's love for me is so great that He will take care of me not matter what decision has been made or what direction I take.  Of course, He looks at my heart.  If I am seeking Him, desiring His best, working to build His kingdom and reach others for Christ, what do I have to fear?  What certainly could any man do to me in light of His wonderful plan for me? 

I'm starting to get it.  The anxiety is beginning to melt away.  I'm beginning to work ahead for the bigger picture, not bog down in the details.  I'm excited to experience life without the fear that has crippled me for so long.  Watch out - mistakes and mess ups are on the way....but now I understand that God's sovereign plan has no bearing on little ol' me and His will be done despite my shortcomings. 

As you start your week, may it be filled with hope and excitement knowing that an all-powerful, all-knowing God already exists in the details.  Don't be afraid to make decisions.  Don't be afraid to move forward in the face of adversity.  Don't allow man to change God's calling on your life.  Live without fear...decide to choose Christ.
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Author of Trailer Park Trash & Vampires and Dirty Southside Jam. Director of Never Look Back Again from Pirate Pug Productions. Husband. Father. Illest mofo around.

When people talk about Clint Eastwood's astounding filmography, one title that is often overlooked is a project that was very near and dear to him, White Hunter, Black Heart.  This unique effort is a thinly veiled take on legendary director John Huston and the making of The African Queen.  Eastwood plays John Wilson, a maverick filmmaker and a larger-than-life figure who plays by his own rules.  The fact that he does so in a profession that requires a considerable amount of teamwork presents numerous clashes and complications, and things only grow more difficult when this cranky director becomes obsessed with killing an elephant while on location in Africa.  The early stages of White Hunter, Black Heart make it clear that the picture Wilson is set to direct is critical to his financial well-being, yet this stubborn and thoroughly entertaining rebel never prioritizes it over anything else that catches his fancy, to include women, fisticuffs, incessant verbal sparring with his producer, and hunting.  It's the hunting that presents the most problems for the making of the movie within the movie, as Wilson's obsession is maddening to even those who understand him the most.  In one of the film's most revealing moments, it becomes clear that Wilson himself is a bit disturbed and confused by his intense desire to kill an elephant.  While Eastwood is front and center throughout, looking and sounding completely different than we've come to expect, Jeff Fahey is also on hand to balance things out as the only person involved in the production who seems to genuinely like or understand the crazed director.  Yet even he is pushed to the brink as Wilson becomes more and more desperate to bag his trophy and the production of the film becomes more and more volatile as a result.  Fahey's character, Pete Verrill, is based on Peter Viertel, who wrote the first-hand account of the making of The African Queen that this picture is based on.  An able performer who I'm exceptionally fond of, Fahey's performance here will surely lead audiences to wonder why he was seldom offered roles of this stature in major studio efforts.  In the end, this unruly and quixotic movie belongs to Eastwood, who also served as director, and I think it stands as one of his most engaging and challenging offerings.  It is a meditation on passion, madness, individuality, and filmmaking, and it raises many potent questions on its way to a fascinating conclusion.

Final Grade: B+

Clint Eastwood is a man obsessed


greatly enjoy Joseph Wambaugh's work, but his non-fiction books hit me a lot harder than his fiction.  Truthfully, my favorite fiction novels by this cop-turned-author are titles like The Choirboys and The New Centurions, books which seem to be a bit more authentic than some of his more robust offerings.  It's not that he doesn't write well, and I can see where his more entertaining yarns could represent a much-needed departure from the darker territory he tends to cover in his efforts to chronicle actual events.  Yet there's a potency to his non-fiction that cannot be equaled.  I'm being 100% sincere when I say that I can't imagine any author from any era writing a better account of a crime or the efforts of the police to combat the lesser elements of our society.  His impeccable research, his keen understanding of human nature, and his ability to present such tales from all angles are all downright inspiring.  Few writers can tell such stories with Wambaugh's amazing attention to detail without bogging the prose down.  Like Fire Lover, The Blooding, or my personal favorite, Lines and Shadows, The Onion Field is never anything less than riveting even as it digs deeper and deeper into a sadistic crime and the incredibly complicated trials that followed.  At once a deeply personal tale of loss and guilt, it also stands as a powerful rebuke of the legal process.  Those who feel that the courts are far more interested in the rights and the welfare of criminals will only be further embittered by this haunting tale of a fine system gone mad.  A noble cop is killed in cold blood and the guilt of the responsible parties is never in doubt, yet the efforts of the defense to prolong and even sabotage the ensuing trials transform a burning quest for justice into a genuine fiasco.  Sadly, there are moments when the courtroom proceedings become so absurd that the passages wherein the author details those shenanigans wind up being somewhat comical.  The Onion Field has it all: a wealth of drama, powerful characterizations, and a heartbreaking combination of destiny and tragedy.  It is a remarkable piece of writing that is ripe with emotion and will leave readers asking difficult questions and pondering monumental issues.


wedding and portrait photography serving gainesville, jacksonville, orlando, tampa, miami, florida, atlanta, georgia and beyond.

gainesville wedding photographer krystal and florida wedding photographer matt radlinski are really good wedding and portrait photographers based in gainesville, florida, so just stop reading words and go check out their pics. what follows is the lame stuff search engines make us do to be "relevant" so read on, but only if you're some kind of robot. but if you are a robot and getting married, hire us because man, a robot wedding would be badass and we'd get to wear jetpacks and it would probably be in space.
florida wedding photographers and atlanta wedding photographers krystal and matt radlinski photograph weddings in florida and elsewhere, including gainesville, jacksonville, miami, tampa, orlando, hilton head, atlanta, key west and beyond.
are you still reading this? why? wouldn't you rather be looking at kick ass photos like you ones you could have for your wedding (in florida or georiga or even floriorgia or georida), and enjoy for the rest of your natural life? You should really go look at pictures instead, and then make a nice sandwich and a spot of tea. But if you're curious, yes, matt and krystal have photographed weddings in delightful locations such as the ritz carlton amelia island, the ritz carlton sarasota, golden ocala, the westin diplomat, gaylord palms, the georgian terrace, the white room, crowne plaza, the curtis hotel, one time in narnia (you can't prove we didn't), the casa monica and the garden of the gods. also, lots of wonderful people's backyards.
gainesville wedding photographer and florida wedding photographer verve studio • jacksonville • atlanta • miami • orlando • tampa • hilton head •
gainesville portrait photographer matt and florida portrait photographer krystal radlinski also have the honor of creating beautiful newborn portraits, baby portraits, infant portraits, maternity portraits, child portraits, senior portraits and family portraits for clients in both gainesville, florida and jacksonville, orlando, tampa, miami, and atlanta, georgia.


It has been a good but crazy week. My son has been given some great opportunities recently to train in swim and soccer. Our business is making decisions in faith to expand and build what God has called us to do. We are spending a lot of time focusing on purpose.  At the same time, I am humbled to represent people who are hurting,  confused, depressed and losing hope. I had a client pass away this week. Another facing a lifetime of choices that have all but ruined his life. The world is crying out in pain. While I appreciate all the ice water stuff going on, it really doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I am grateful for awareness,  but with the pain and relentless struggle facing so many people to just find a little hope, I want my purpose to remain in that I will use my platform and place in this world to raise awareness for Christ.  The gift is free. It requires no donation. Spread the awareness.


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Industri Seni
Jabatan Wedding and Portrait Photgraphers
Lokasi Jupiter, Florida, Amerika Serikat
Perkenalkan Diri Anda Jupiter Florida wedding & portrait photographers Jemma & David Coleman. Serving Palm Beach, the Treasure Coast, and Gainesville, FL, we're excited about documenting your most important milestones whether you're graduating, getting married, or you were just able to get the family together! With our classic funk brand, your images will be the perfect combination of modern style and timeless imagery. Our chic line of products and professional printing complete your collection and are made in the USA. Go Gators! Current UF students and Alumni get extra love. Contact us for our current Gator promos!


It has been a struggle the last few weeks to walk around and appear like a normal, fully functioning adult. I have felt like a liar to the world with every “hi how are you doing, oh me…I’m good, thanks.” That’s one odd thing about human interactions…to ask how someone is doing without really wanting to stop and talk about it. Have you kept track of how many times in one day you ask how someone’s day is going, or are asked about your day? And out of all those times…how many did you actually mean?

I have always tried to live my life with just a few hard and fast rules:
Promises are made to keep.
Tell the truth.
Treat others how you want to be treated.
Say what you mean, mean what you say.
Don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you.

I would like to think those simple rules have kept me out of a lot of trouble, and have made me a better person. Yes, I have broken them all at one point or another but I work hard to use them as daily guides. So you see, when I’m asked how I’m doing…or when people check in on me after the Seattle thing…I answer with what I think you want to hear. Because I know or at least think I know that you really don’t want to sit and hear about my nightmares…my anxiety…my fear. You want me to be good, so that’s what I tell you.

But I’m not.

I will be. In time.

I feel guilty for lying to you…even though I know it’s probably for the best to keep my answer short and easy.

So I guess the purpose of this entry is to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what happened, sorry for not being stronger, sorry for lying and saying I’m good.


May 7, 2015

Derby Masters

In 2010 when my old, humdrum life ceased to be and my derby filled life began I had no idea the sport would change my life as much as it has. Maybe not the sport on its own merit but the people who the sport has brought into my life would be a more accurate statement to make.  The derby world is really a microcosm of real life, it is subject to bullies, abusers, lovers, family, friends, jocks, gossipers, supporters etc. The major difference is that in one form or another all of those who are in derby…would for the most part be located on the outcast spectrum of individuals. So eloquently presented to me byKendle as “nerds, those who are socially awkward and misfits.”With that being said, I’ve never been so happy to belong to a subset of people. In the event anyone is wondering what any of this has to do with anything…I’m not really sure. When I sit down to type a blog post I don’t usually have a topic in mind or a direction to go. I let the words appear and I follow them. Sometimes the post turns into something horribly painful, but sometimes it turns into joy or an “ah ha” moment. I guess today’s post has yet to discover its purpose, and I’m okay with that.

So back to what I started with…in 2010 I remember pouring through album after album that was published by the masters in derby photography. The amazing works of Jules, Joe, Bob, Nicholas, Danny, Jenny, Frank and so many others. They were all at the head of the pack (pun intended) capturing wonderful derby moves and people in a moment of time that would forever be envied and looked to with awe and inspiration. To me, they were modern day Picasso’s, Michael Angelo’s or Salvador Dali’s. What Ansel Adams did with Half Dome they did with derby…capturing a thought, an emotion, a moment in time that would never be quite the same. As a side note, I didn’t originally plan to try and be a photographer in derby…I wanted to skate. My dream was to be a pivot, to control the pack, to make walls that would be impossible to get by. To support my jammer, make creases to free them from the pack…I wanted to play. I tried…but easily gave up on that dream because this body of mine…it don’t skate.

I messed around doing photography on my piddly Canon Xti and oh how horribly awful those photos were. But something stirred within me…and little by little I listened to the small voice inside me that was guiding me to do and be more than a girl who couldn’t skate. I worked hard and became a pretty darn good Non Skating Official but I wasn’t satisfied with that. So I consulted some of the fine artists of my day about my love of photography…Frank let me borrow his camera and lens a couple times…and that small voice turned into a scream. More words of support and guidance came from Bob and Jenny, then Danny …I started renting cameras and lenses for derby tournaments…and the scream got louder. I worked and struggled to get better…but still felt so far away from the quality that the masters make look so easy.

If anyone were to ask how I feel about my photography, you would get much the same answer as I gave 5 years ago. I would hem and haw, shift my weight back and forth, kick at the floor or dirt and tell you all the things that I see wrong with my photos. Yes, there are some that I think to myself…what do you know, that doesn’t look so bad. Nice. But my cruel reality is that I am still so amazingly far away from the quality of the greats. I am still so much…an amateur. I work almost daily, just like the derby athletes that I capture…to get better, hone my skills, get my mind to wrap around the intricate details of certain movements, lighting adjustments…always learning how to make things less blurry and more focused.  While I do feel I have made progress, I only see how very far I have yet to go.

I never in my wildest dreams could have ever thought I would be doing all the photography that I am currently involved in. I mean, seriously…I am no Jules Doyle. I am no Danny Ngan. I am just…me. But despite my feelings of unworthiness, this season I have found myself in an odd situation. I shoot derby for two leagues…two amazingly talented leagues. I’m friends with many of the greats that I had once and do continue to think the world of. Where once I was sitting in the cheap seats at Key Arena watching the photographers scramble around and take pictures…thinking to myself how amazingly awesome that must be…I have now had the chance to be on the floor with the skaters and other photographers. And while everyone’s attention was focused on the athletes (as it should be) I quietly had my dreams come true.  Being behind the scenes, in the depths of Key Arena watching the athletes get their game faces on, pump each other up and experience their joy at being part of a great team. It was a surreal feeling standing in the hallways, being with the athletes and now actually being friends with some…I can’t accurately explain to you the joy that fills my heart.

I was talking with James at the Nest a week or so ago about my nagging feelings that I will never be as good as Jules, Joe etc.He quickly made fun of me because here I was complaining about all the things I see wrong with my photography yet, just had two of my photos make it onto a poster and one onto a billboard in Oregon. (I’d have made fun of myself too when you put that way.) And he said something that has really stuck with me, “they had their time and we saw their work. Now it’s your time to share your work. Your work is a stand alone, if they wanted Jules or Joe, they would be here. But it’s your time now. Stop trying to be like them. Be you.”

I wonder if Picasso or Ansel Adams looked at their work and thought “meh.”



Karma is that you?

So the oddest things happened to me at the Hitditch Cup a few Saturdays ago. It started out simply enough, just another bout day…watching amazing athletes skate left. But as I was getting my camera all calibrated for the lighting and whatnot, things went…well, they went weird. This is the part I ask patience with so I can give you a little back story before the current situation that I’m writing about. See, when my derby life was still quite new I was hanging out with a bunch of girls that were way more established in the local leagues than I was and I tried to befriend them. But there was one girl specifically that for whatever reason took exception to me. And without having to bring up all the heartache and shit that goes along with this story let’s just say she made my life hell. She spread lies about me to anyone and everyone that would listen to her and because I didn’t havecredibility with the local “scene” many people believed her. Some didn’t, and they stayed my friends…some of them are my friends to this day. But there was a lot of damage done to me because of this one girl and her many lies. Fast forward to theHitditch Cup…this girl was there warming up to skate and she skated over to me like we were old friends. I was startled because this girl and I pass each other often now that I do photography for the league and for the most part we avoid each other, which is fine with me. But she comes up to me and proceeds to tell me that she has been meaning to talk to me…

“I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for the things I did and said in reference to you a couple years ago. I thought I knew what I was talking about but it turns out I didn’t and I got involved with things thinking I knew what was going on, and I’ve realized I didn’t. So, I’m sorry.”

I simply said “okay, thank you.”

Then at the end of the bout someone I once considered a good friend who a couple months ago just up and unfriended mewithout a word, and basically stopped talking to me all together asked if she could talk to me before I left. So she pulled me into the kitchen at the nest and tells me…

“I know you messaged me after I unfriended you asking what it was you did and that you wanted to talk to me about it, but I needed to tell you that I just couldn’t talk to you. I was in a bad space and just couldn’t handle arguing and so the way I dealt with it was to just avoid you. But I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry, I should have just talked to you. I got offended by a statement you made on facebook and it confused me because I thought you liked all of us and so I just backed away. Yes, I should have got clarification from you instead of just assuming I knew what you meant. I didn’t and it was my mistake and I’msorry that I was jerk. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

I simply said “okay, thank you.”

I’m not sure why they apologized…if it’s legit or just a game. I don’t know if they did it because I take photos of them and they somehow want to increase their odds of being shot or if they indeed are sorry for the hurt they caused. In the first instance it would be great if that girl would make a public apology to the leagues and other women that she spread lies to. As for the second girl…I’m still not sure what to say or think.

jemmacolemanPHOTOGRAPHY: i {spy} - inspiration - these colors rock

jemmacolemanPHOTOGRAPHY: i {spy} - inspiration - these colors rock: Here is another lovely color palette from the inspired bride. I'm biased of course, but c'mon, this is awesome. Beach or garden wedd...



Waiting on answers seems like a daily routine for most of us.  Life has puzzle pieces which seem to have fallen under the couch somewhere, no where to be found in this lifetime.  Without those pieces, we think the masterpiece cannot be completed.  We can all agree that it is hard to wait.  We think we have needs.  God told Paul to write, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19.  We think He has forgotten us. We turn on the news and get unnerved with Ebola, beheadings, political issues and just plain old bad news.  Deuteronomy 31:6 says "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."   Joshua 1:9 says, "Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."  I believe we struggle to believe this.  The waiting becomes too much in our flesh.  When we rely on what God says, there is nothing to fear.  But waiting on Him to respond to and do something about the circumstances around us is difficult. 

Sometimes, we don't receive answers because we are separated from God in sin.  Sin separates you from a right relationship with God.  Agreeing with Him about sin in your life can restore the connection, and answers will begin to appear.  Sometimes, we do not receive answers because God is working out something in our lives to make us more like Jesus.  Sometimes, we do not receive answers because we do not know God.  Many people cry out to God for help when they have rejected Jesus in every area of their life.  Many are people who sit in church but have never agreed with God about sin and the need for a Savior.  Some think their salvation is pre-determined and that no action needs to be taken on the part of the sinner to repent.  Some think they are just good enough and have accomplished enough to get God's attention.  Works are only a reflection of the faith planted in Jesus Christ.  Works aside from that faith are nothing to God. 

Are you looking for answers?  There is joy for the child of God who waits on His perfect timing and answer.  "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12.  God tells us that He is worth the wait.  Be patient.  Don't react in fear and panic which leads to poor judgment and difficult consequences.  His word is true.  He is faithful.  Find rest in Him.  Don't ever give up.



Lokasi: Taylors : SC : Amerika Serikat
Minat: From: North Berwick, ME
Dan and Mary Hendrix

Dan and Mary Hendrix

Lokasi: GREER : SC : Amerika Serikat
Minat: Camping, RVing and spending time with grandkids. My bride of 46 years.
Crystal Smith-Connelly

Crystal Smith-Connelly

Lokasi: Charleston : SC : Amerika Serikat
Minat: comedy,reading, cooking, watching Arrested Development
Sweet Purrfections

Sweet Purrfections

Lokasi: Lexington : SC : Amerika Serikat

Nicole Kirker

Nicole Kirker

Lokasi: Charleston : SC : Amerika Serikat
Minat: I love to travel and spend time with my family and friends


Lokasi: Spartanburg : SC : Amerika Serikat



Lokasi: Columbia : SC : Amerika Serikat

Global Star Capital

Global Star Capital

Lokasi: Hilton Head : SC : Amerika Serikat

Henry Porada

Henry Porada

Lokasi: Lexington : SC : Amerika Serikat
Minat: writing children picture books, write poetry, sing, love to take walks.


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Industri Hukum
Jabatan Attorney
Lokasi Myrtle Beach, SC, Amerika Serikat


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Jenis Kelamin Wanita
Industri Pendidikan
Jabatan Admissions Counselor
Lokasi Myrtle Beach, SC, Amerika Serikat
Perkenalkan Diri Anda Hey! I'm Tasha and this blog was created to track my personal fitness progress. I'm currently 25 years old, about 5'2, and weigh a whopping 140 pounds! EEK! My goal weight is 125 (which I hope to obtain by the end of the year) and I plan to run my first 5K in October. I started running and eating better on Jaunary 30, 2012. Please join me in this endeavor and feel free to offer suggestions along the way!

Haqqani 101: With the death of Osama Bin Laden we were asked what his death would mean for the war in Afghanistan. Like the so called war on terror which includes the Taliban, Al Qaeda of every creed, and extremists of every ilk looking to carry on Osama's vendetta against the west, it will serve to fuel their cause like many other issues. His death should mean just the opposite and it does to all true Muslims.

In searching though I found them to be known rapists and murderers and of course not true Muslims or faithful followers of Muhammad and true Islam. Some of the Haqqani's and commanders have even been captured and held after traveling to Saudi Arabia for the haj and gathering donations for their cause.

The Haqqani's and their legendary stature are holding the so called terrorists force together. Their stature is legendary and hard earned. The Haqqani network and their increasingly foreign fighters have become the main focus after 9 years of fighting. The Haqqani Network's North Waziristan leadership -- usually called the Miram Shah Shura consists of a number of Haqqani family members and closely associated long-serving commanders.

At the top of the network is Sirajuddin Haqqani, who oversees the group's political and military activities and is the main liaison to the Mullah Muhammad Omar led Quetta Shura Taliban, the Taliban's leadership body (named for the capital of Pakistan's Baluchistan province). He is also one of the network's liaisons to Pakistani Taliban figures and AL-Qaeda.

He travels regularly into Afghanistan " or should I say did as he now claims to be based in Afghanistan" to coordinate with field commanders and occasionally to Peshawar and South Waziristan to connect with militants there. Remember Bowe Bergdhal? There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured. The most prominent is Mullah Sangin, who is believed to be holding Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl a captured U.S. soldier and Zakim Shah the movement's shadow governor of Khost province.

There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured.

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin who directs operations are increasingly the targets of drones and now manned NATO aircraft in Pakistan as the Pakistani's have been leery to go in the area for whatever reason. Many are being killed, I heard over 80 in a week with no civilian casualties.

I wish we would quickly kill the two head Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan as our invasion of their country even to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters who were known killers of NATO forces may be the straw that broke the camels back. People in Pakistan are increasingly marching to have the drone attacks stopped. Fine! If you want the drones stopped then stop the Haqqani's. We know someone there can kill or stop them at will.

I would hate to see the Haqqani network unite with Pakistan " who they once had close ties with particularly the ISI", against us as Pakistan is still furious and rightly so though it may be a ploy to placate civilians. I wish we would just come home. I do not want to see the scenario I discussed many times and that is taking on Pakistan from the Gulf and don't forget Iran!

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who wants us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma


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Jenis Kelamin Wanita
Lokasi Myrtle Beach, SC, Amerika Serikat
Minat fashion, literature, music, ballet
Film Favorit Wuthering Heights